1. D o yo u suppo r t o r oppose en di ng some t ax b rea k s a n d l oopholes for the wealthies t Americans in o rd e r to r e i nv es t i n pub l i c se rvi ces a nd infr ast ru cture ? P l ease explain. I support ending some tax breaks and loopholes for the wealthiest Americans in order to reinvest in public services and infrastructure. We should end corporation-welfare and have a more equitable tax burden. 2. W h a t are y ou r ideas for bu i l di n g a h ealthier and more diverse economy in ea s t e rn K e ntucky a nd ac ro ss our Co mm o n wea l t h? The three answers to building a healthier and more diverse economy in Eastern Kentucky are education, education, and education! I support better federal support of higher education, and better Pell Grants. Federal revenue sharing for Kindergarten, elementary education, and high school education has my support. I even will enthusiastically support the military serv...