What is Racism?
Racism is using a person's race, or racial characteristics, to judge--or prejudge--a person.
History of Racism.
Racism has a history in the world and in the United States. In 1619, a slave ship carrying black people from Africa arrived at Jamestown, the first town, and the Colonial capital, of Virginia, the first of the British thirteen colonies to be settled in North America. These thirteen colonies later became the United States of America. The slaves were debarked from the ship at Jamestown and sold into slavery in Virginia colony.
From that time, racism and slavery were entertwined in colonial British America. Although it had been common in ancient times, Biblical times, and medieval times for conquerors of foreign lands to take conquered inhabitants as slaves, generally the slaves were from neighboring countries, and had a physically-similar appearance with their masters.
In the 1600's in North America it was different. Generally, people of European descent were not sold into slavery in America. Most of the people sold into slavery in America were of African descent; although, I've been told that some Turks were also sold into slavery in America.
By the time of the American Civil War--or War Between the States--almost all of the American slaves were deemed to be of African descent.
After the Civil War, the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution freed the slaves, and outlawed slavery in the United States.
During that time, in many of the United States, "Jim Crow" laws appeared discriminating against the former slaves and their descendants. Even in the 1950's in many places in the United States, black people, because of their racial characteristics, were forbidden from attending many State Universities, high schools, elementary schools, hotels, motels, public swimming pools, and State parks, and forbidden from holding many jobs and positions.
The Civil Rights Movement in the twentieth century resulted in the ending of many of those forms of racism.
Analysis. Racism is unfair. Racism is irrational. Racism is contrary to the words in the American Declaration of Independence, that "All men are created equal." Racism is contrary to the words in the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution that all Americans are guaranteed the "Equal Protection of the Law." Racism is contrary to the words of Christ that you should "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" or Treat others like you want to be treated. We should oppose racism and not be racists. You can probably think of dozens of reasons to oppose racism and not to be a racist. I'll try to post any comments you make that don't have cussing, or derogatory racial slurs in them.
Conclusion. Kenneth Stepp opposes racism. I hope you oppose racism, too.


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