Kenneth Stepp opposes sex discrimination.

What is Sex Discrimination?
Sex Discrimination is using a person's sex, to judge--or prejudge--a person.
History of Sex Discrimination.
Sex Discrimination has a history in the world and in the United States. In Biblical Times, women were deemed less important than men, and in many places in the Judeo-Christian Bible, the names of men are mentioned, but not the names of women. Of course both Adam and Eve are mentioned at the beginning of the Bible, but the names of the four women on the Ark with Noah and his three sons at the time of The Great Flood are not mentioned. In most lists of ancestors in the Bible, the names of the men are mentioned, but not the names of the women. In the earlier books of the Bible, kings of Israel and Judah are mentioned--but neither nation ever had a ruling queen. The neighboring nations were similar; kings were listed, but not ruling queens. Under Royalist governments, thrones were generally inherited by kings, and rarely by queens. In more modern times, Britain and Czarist Russia allowed women to ascend to thrones,but not many countries did. Likewise "glass ceilings" existed, and few military leaders, colonial governors, and captains of industry were women. It was not until approx. 1920 in the United States that suffrage--or the right to vote--was extended to women nationwide. I remember, I was told that in that year in North Carolina, my Grandpa, a lifelong Democrat, voted in the Presidential race for Cox; but his wife and my Grandmother voted for, and helped elect Warren G. Harding, the Republican. Even as late as the 1970's many professional schools openly discriminated against women applicants; when I was in Law School in 1974 or 1975, my law school suddenly stopped discrimination against women applicants, and about half the new class were women. Today most professional schools don't discriminate against women, and we have many new women doctors, lawyers, dentists and other professionals.
Many other jobs that were formerly open to only men, are now open to men and women. The Civil Rights Movement in the twentieth century resulted in the ending of many of those forms of sex discrimination.
Analysis. Sex discrimination is unfair. Sex discrimination is irrational. Sex discrimination is contrary to the meaning in the American Declaration of Independence, that "All men are created equal." Sex discrimination is contrary to the words in the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution that all Americans are guaranteed the "Equal Protection of the Law." Sex discrimination is contrary to the words of Christ that yoo.u should "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" or Treat others like you want to be treated. We should oppose sex discrimination. You can probably think of dozens of reasons to oppose sex discrimination. I'll try to post any comments you make that don't have cussing, or derogatory slurs in them.
Conclusion. Kenneth Stepp opposes sex discrimination. I hope you oppose sex discrimination, too!


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